You’ve heard it all before. Mobile is important. Smartphones rule the world. But why waste time on mobile-optimization, if a desktop website works perfectly fine and has decent ranking results?
Plus, it can be displayed on small screens either. So what can one get of an app or a mobile version?
MUCH more customers
It has been 2 years since Google first reported that mobile queries had exceeded desktop requests on global basic. That disproportion has continued to grow. As recently stated by BrightEdge, 57% of all users are now accessing the web via smartphones and tablets. In other words, if your prospective clients are online, they are most likely on their mobile devices.
This is not even a habit. We’re talking about an addiction. According to surveys, Europeans touch their smartphones more often than they physically interact with their mates – up 1,000 (!) times a day. 83% of respondents use mobile devices to read work emails at night. All of them could be watching your companion ads, really.
MUCH Less Denials
Believe it or not, but without a mobile version you’re losing hundreds (if not thousands) of potential clients. The thing is that 90% of users switch screens to achieve their goal. Therefore, even if desktop is driving the bulk of your conversions, people will try to engage with your site through mobile at some stage of the sales process.
If it appears too heavy to browse, they will leave.
If the images are distorted, they will leave.
If the text is miniscule, they will leave.
And don’t expect anyone to come back. There is a whole plethora of mobile-friendly options, so people won’t bother themselves with checking out a desktop version of a mobile disaster.
Hence, it would be better to take care about an optimized design beforehand. Make a major focus on visual media such as short video and images to capture the traffic. Bryan Harris DOUBLED his social shares by switching to SumoMe’s mobile-optimized share bar. You can do the same with just a few tweaks.
MUCH Better Sales
Wait, people do not buy via smartphones. They switch to laptops to make a purchase, right? Not exactly. Actually, mobile users do buy and spend even more than their PC counterparts do.
You see, small screens prevent people from second-guessing. There are no negative reviews available on the same page, let alone similar products flashing across the screen. This encourages 83% of users to make a purchase within 12 hours.
However, there is a significant distinction between smartphone and tablet owners. The first group is conditioned to buy frequently, but their average amount per transaction is below €10. Tablet users, on the other hand, are ready spend up to €130 at once, while “desktopers’” limit is about €110.
Sadly, but none of mobile clients will be purchasing from your site, if it is not responsive to all types of screens.
MUCH Higher Ranking
Google favors mobile friendliness and punishes those who fail to provide it. Even if your link profile is flawless and you are constantly updating your website, the search engine will still put mobile-friendly sites ahead of it.
Most of the latter have a responsive design, which makes them accessible on any device. Unresponsive websites require an individual version for each type of gadget. This makes Google’s life harder, since each version has to be catalogued. Therefore, the engine rewards sites that simplify its work by boosting their search results.
That’s why you should “mobilize” your website in order to keep and improve its organic traffic. After all, when the company controlling about 70% of the web market says, “Jump,” you jump.
MUCH Stronger Brand
By this point, if your website has yet to be optimized for mobile, you may feel like you need to catch-up. It is true only to some extent. In fact, 44 % of small business websites are unresponsive.
It means your brand has a fantastic opportunity to stand out from the competition. Statistically, nearly half of your rivals could have unoptimized sites. Consequently, reaching customers through mobile is the easiest way to gain an edge.
Especially considering the fact that 91% of mobile traffic is used for social activities. A mobile-friendly website will allow you to take full advantage of your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram audience, while an unresponsive one is most likely to negate all SMM efforts and waste your money spent on adverts.
Let’s Recap
The world is getting mobile and expects you to do the same. Google wants it, customers want it, and you can either meet their expectations or accept eventual defeat. However, mobile-optimization is not a burden but a benefit.
In addition to everything mentioned above, it can really help start-ups with limited budgets. They can begin with developing a mobile application, which costs less than a desktop website designed in accordance with all marketing rules.
Are you interested? Contact us and get access to each and every customer with a smartphone, iPad, Kindle or a laptop. Why postpone evolution?